I am an ambassador for Żywiec City: meeting with Mrs Dorota Firlej

Ambasador Dorota Firlej

The first meeting of the series 'I am an ambassador of Żywiec City' took place on 19th of September 2023. Its guest was Dorota Firlej, curator of the Żywiec Municipality Museum, who talked about Maria Krystyna Habsburg. It is worth mentioning that 2023 is the Year of Maria Krystyna Habsburg established by the Żywiec City Council. Duchess who was born in Żywiec and spent her last years in her hometown. Dorota Firlej's story was about the dignified preservation of Habsburg traditions in Zywiec and the great role Princess Maria Krystyna played in promoting the town.


Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/953-i-am-ambassador-zywiec-city-meeting-mrs-dorota-firlej